Our annual Advent Giving Tree Project begins Tuesday, November 26th!
Our tree will be in the Narthex through December 15th. Ornament tags will be hung containing "wish list" requests from our friends at Heritage Woods Assisted Living in McHenry. Most of these residents are living on a very fixed income and a few have no income at all. The residents have been asked to list two or three suggestions for Christmas gifts that they would like to receive.Coordinator: Pat Wagner
E-mail: givingtree@stpatrickmchenry.org
Goals and Purpose: To provide all of the residents of Heritage Woods Assisted Living with Christmas Gifts; Help collect donations for FISH/Catholic Charities/Other Charitable Org. for Christmas
Responsibilities: Work with coordinator as needed to move gifts after Masses/ help with final check of gifts with list provided; deliver FISH donations weekly
Helpful Attributes: Availability at Christmas Time
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours during the Christmas Season
Training Required: As provided by Coordinator
Meeting Schedule: None