Are you or someone you know interested in becoming Catholic?
The O.C.I.A., or the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults, is the process by which a person enters the Catholic faith. Many individuals are soul-searching and asking questions regarding Christianity and in particular how one can become part of the Catholic Church. Also, many people who have been away from the Church, or who have not completed their sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist) wonder how to return and become active participants.
Who is the O.C.I.A. for?
A sponsor is welcome to attend the weekly OCIA sessions with each candidate or catechumen. He/she helps the newcomer to learn about the Catholic faith and about St. Patrick. You don’t have to be an expert on the Catholic faith, but you do have to be someone who values your Catholic faith and wants to share it with others. Through OCIA we are building people of faith into the Church, just as the apostles did!
What do sponsors do?
They converse regularly with the participant in an ongoing process of faith development. Their promise is to be good listeners and to help participants to know where God is leading them. A sponsor prays daily for the participant and asks God to bless, direct and guide them.
Can my spouse or fiancé be my sponsor?
A spouse may participate in the OCIA with you or may choose to be a sponsor to another candidate. This provides an opportunity to broaden your perspective. You do not need to find your own sponsor. We have members from our parish that have volunteered to join you in this effort.
Is there a cost for participating in OCIA?
No. We supply you with everything that you need.
May I bring a friend?
Yes, we encourage it! As a matter of fact, spouses, fiancés, and sponsors are especially encouraged to join us on a regular basis.
Am I obligated to become Catholic?
There is no obligation on participants to become members of the Catholic Church. Anyone seeking information about the Catholic faith is welcome to attend our sessions. Participants will be encouraged to ask questions and dialog with the material. There are times during the OCIA process for you to explore your intentions and continue to discern God’s call. Everything shared during the sessions will be treated with confidentiality and respect. The OCIA is a time of exploration, where people can ask questions and learn about the Church. People coming from other faith groups may have many questions about Catholicism, and areas where they don’t feel comfortable. Don’t worry. Each person is given the space to question, to think for themselves, and to take all the time they need to decide about joining the Church.
How does a person become Catholic?
The process is composed of five stages:
The Pre-catechumenate, or inquiry period, consists of informal meetings to explain the process and answer questions about the Roman Catholic Church. This is a time for inquirers to decide whether they wish to continue with the process.
At the beginning of the catechumenate or instruction period (usually around the First Sunday in Advent), inquirers are formally welcomed by the Parish community and enter a period of more structured preparation listening to presentations and joining in discussions based on scripture readings and other topics of importance such as the Sacraments, the meaning of the Mass, and Catholic morality and social teaching.
For the Rites of Sending and Election (First Sunday in Lent), the Parish sends the Catechumens/Candidates to the bishop, in Rockford, who, on the part of the entire Catholic Church, accepts the catechumens as the “elect” and blesses the candidates who will be received into the Church at Easter. At this time the Church enters the Lenten period in preparation for the celebration of Christ’s passion, death, and Resurrection. This is a period of spiritual purification and enlightenment.
At the Church’s greatest feast, the Vigil of Easter, the “elect” will be baptized, and all of the elect and candidates will be confirmed and receive the Eucharist at the Parish community’s greatest liturgical celebration.
Mystagogy, the fifty-day period between Easter and Pentecost, the new members of the Church community, called “neophytes”, begin a time of reflection, and begin to live out their sacramental call to service in the life of the Church.
Are there other things I can do as part of the OCIA process?
Please consider this an invitation to participate in any of the events of the parish during OCIA.
Attend Mass, Participate in Eucharistic Adoration, Read the Weekly bulletin, participate in parish social events, etc.
Children 7 years of age and older
St. Patrick welcomes children of catechetical age, along with their families, on a journey of preparation for initiation into the Catholic community. The Church prepares children and adults for all three sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist through the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults. Those children who have never been baptized will participate in the OCIA process adapted for children and celebrate their sacraments at the Easter Vigil.
"Since children who have reached the use of reason are considered for purposes of Christian Initiation, to be adults (canon 852:1), their formation should follow the general pattern of the ordinary catechumenate as far as possible, with the appropriate adaptations permitted by the ritual. They should receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil, together with older catechumens." Order of Christian Initiation of Adults.
OCIA is a special journey for unbaptized children ages: 7-18 which brings them into full communion with Jesus.