ARE YOU: (1) New to the parish; (2) Moving back; (3) Just Married; (4) Attending Mass but never officially registered? (4) Even if you grew up in St. Patrick, you (as an adult) need to register independent from your parents.
Please do not take your church registration for granted. Attending Mass is not enough; there must be an official record of your membership in the Parish. Parish registration is essential for many reasons. It becomes important when you or your family members are receiving the Sacraments - First Communion, Baptism, Confirmation and Marriage. Registration is also required for those wishing to become a Baptism or Confirmation sponsor. In addition, becoming a member of a parish gives one the identity of belonging to a family—the parish family of St. Patrick Catholic Church.
We welcome all new parishioners and are thankful God has sent you to St. Patrick Church. Registration is open to all within the boundaries of the Parish as defined by the Diocese. To register at St. Patrick, fill out the online registration form below or print the registration packet below and complete and return to the parish office (you can either mail it, drop it off, or put it in the collection basket). Any questions, please call the Parish Office at 815-385-0025.